Adding Stitch Into Paper Designs
As discussed previously, I had wanted to add photographic imagery into my designs along with pattern, in a similar way to Guy Catling. However, I have executed this is a different way, adding only a hint of colour to the image, along with a beaded balloon and elements of hand embroidery. I then added this to a patterned background which I have hand stitched into. I particularly like the colours in this design although it did need cleaning up slightly on the computer.
Creating Simple Repeats
After cleaning the original image up and changing the size and colours slightly, I began to design wallpapers using the piece. This is the final design I have chose to use after a few attempts at organizing the image into a suitable composition.
After completing this design, I began to create similar designs which would work alongside the wallpaper on other products.
This shows another design I have created to work alongside the previous.
This design is intended to be used as a covering for a lampshade, which would work alongside the first wallpaper design pictured.